Thanksgiving was great! And then we took a little family trip to Hershey, PA, to see the sights and buy lots of chocolate. (More on this later.) Then we came home and all got sick, so we spent most of this week cooped up at home wiping noses, some our own, some our kids'.
So this weekend, I am thankful that we have all mostly recovered from the first bad cold of the season. I am also thankful that while we had to spend most of this last week in our house, we at least had a nice big stash of chocolate to keep us company!
But last week, on the actual Thanksgiving, I was grateful (and still am) for many things: my little family, my bigger family, friends, the awesome vacations we had this year, a house, food, coffee, my new coat I got on sale at Target. All the things I probably take for granted most days. I could do without Rett syndrome, but I am grateful there is a community of people supporting us and working for anything to help my girl. And I am very thankful that while there are many things Violet can't do, she is one great snuggler.
So on the actual Thanksgiving day, I was very grateful to spend most of the day in my jammies, cuddling with V on the sofa while the boys spent many hours making pie. They even made a cherry one for me, because I don't like the traditional pecan. Pretty lucky, huh?
Check them out:
I forgot to take pictures of the actual pies. We were too busy eating them (after rushing to make it to dinner on time.) But they were delicious. Trust me.
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