Saturday, August 7, 2010

Calvin's Big Day

After a three-day power outage and a bout of pneumonia (poor Violet!), we are back in action around here. Check out these photos from Calvin's 6th birthday....

He started the day right with breakfast in bed, at his request. He made the very rational point that he has been involved in several breakfast-in-bed exchanges (i.e. for Mother's Day and Father's Day), but has never been in the role of beneficiary, so it was his due time. Smart kid.

So while everyone else was snoozing away, I got up a little early to try and surprise him, which was difficult to do. It was not a very elaborate breakfast (cereal, yogurt, blueberries, and chocolate milk--a special treat we agreed he could drink all day long on his birthday). But I had to work fast because he kept coming down the stairs to check on me, asking me what was taking so long with his breakfast in bed. So much for the surprise. But he seemed pleased, especially when he noticed the chocolate milk:


Digging in:


After breakfast, we started with Round 1 of present-opening (Round 2 and 3 followed later in the day). Here he is, posing with his loot:


Then it was party time, a little get-together with his friends (and some of ours) for cake and a magic show at Barry's Magic Shop.

Um, controlled chaos:


Boys admiring the tricks and trinkets in the magic shop:


The cake, which I am proud to say I made with some tips and a lot of moral support from a professional baker friend (thanks, Lauren!):


And cookies, which Noah and my mom stayed up late to help decorate. We had top hats and magic wands and the number 6 and some pretty intense white bunnies (thanks, Noah!):


Calvin and kids enjoying the show:


Barry at work:


Below, see a picture of Noah and Auntie Frankie as Barry's assistants. Yes, that is a pair of goofy glasses and a cap on Noah's head. And what is under the hat that was later revealed (but sadly not photographed--turns out keeping track of 15 boys in a magic shop keeps you too busy to fully document everything)? It was a mini plunger, like the kind you'd use on a really small toilet, I guess (??). Because what is a magic show without totally humiliating one of the parents?


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