Monday, January 24, 2011

Calvin's half-birthday.

Today is Calvin's half-birthday. We remembered this last night while we were having dinner. We mark the occasion because, some years, when I'm really organized, I will send in a treat he can share with his classmates to celebrate his half-birthday, since his real birthday is in the summer. Having a summer birthday myself, I know how June-July-August babies get screwed when it comes to the whole cupcake-and-crown celebrations in school, and I wasn't about to let that happen to my kid:)

Well, this is not one of those years when I am really organized. And conveniently, there was no school today anyway. So instead, we celebrated by going to the dentist for check-ups for both Calvin and Violet, getting Calvin a haircut, having lunch out, and then coming back home for an intense game of Wii Lego Star Wars, The Complete Saga--Calvin's pick, of course. (And that is how he always refers to the game, with the entire title.)

This may not sound like such a fun semi-birthday celebration to you, but Calvin actually LOVES going to the dentist. He is the happiest, most relaxed dental patient I have ever met, which is completely baffling to me because I have a bit of a dentist-phobia. Today, he brought in his own sunglasses to shield him when he kicked back in the chair under the bright light. Then he laughed and chatted and charmed the dental hygienist. The kid did not get that from me.

What he does not like, though, is getting his hair cut. He's just too ticklish. And today, he could not sit still so our favorite endlessly patient hairstylist Jessena nearly jabbed him with the scissors several times. (Accidentally, of course, because he wouldn't stop moving.) I had to intervene, holding his shoulders down, trying to distract him with a serious discussion about the Scooby episode we were watching. (Yes, we were at the Cartoon Cuts.)

But we muddled through, and came out the other side with one slick-looking boy. See for yourself...





One passerby even commented that he looked like a young James Dean, I think mainly because he was sort of casually slumped against the wall and had the lollipop stick hanging out just so:


1 comment:

  1. He does look like a young James Dean! Benjamin just got his haircut yesterday, too. I must be old fashioned because I really could not stand Ben's hair getting so long and I had to coax and beg him to get a haircut. I think both boys look so much more handsome w/ less hair!:)
